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If you believe that there is content in a post, comment, or profile that violates our Community Rules, you can report the relevant content to us and request it to be reviewed. Following the review, if the content is found to violate our Community Rules, the content or profile in question may be hidden, deleted, or even blocked.
In Derdost, the best way to report a post is to use the Report link near the post. To report a post:
In Derdost, the best way to report a comment is to use the Report link near the comment. To report a comment:
In Derdost, the best way to report a profile is to use the Report link on the respective profile page. To report a profile:
Even without a Derdost account, you can report content that you believe violates the Community Guidelines. To do so, you can send us a message via our contact channels explaining your complaint along with a screenshot of the relevant content.